Phurla Denu Ruit Rinpoche, the second tulku of Phurla Khenrab Phuntsok Rinpoche is the abbot of the Choge Monastery in Qinghai, Nangchen. He was born in Tibet and received ordination vows from the Great Khenpo of Monastic College of the Mother Sakya Monastery.
In Sakya Monastic College, he studied a great many Hinayana and Mahayana texts and received from the great accomplished master Lama Loga and Sakya Trizin the complete lineage of Sakya and its practices in their entirety. Rinpoche is thus well-versed in both the sutric texts as well as the tantras. He has also completed the retreats of Hevajra and many other deities.
In the recent years, he has been travelling throughout Asia, teaching many people dharma with his fluent command of Mandarin. Rinpoche has set up dharma centres in both Taiwan and Malaysia for the purpose of propagating the dharma and benefiting all sentient beings.