We are honored to have Ngawang Lodoe Rinpoche in Kuching to perform Vajrapani Fire Puja. The Fire Puja is very powerful and has many benefits. For the living, a Vajrapani fire puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes obstacles, improves health, and increases merit and wealth. For Buddhist practitioners, making offering to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain accomplishments on the path, stabilize one's meditation concentration and improve one's spiritual practice. For the deceased, the ceremony is an excellent method of purifying negative karma and attaining higher rebirth.

The Vajrapani Fire Puja also helps to avert or purify three kinds of obstacles:
  • External adversities that manifest from karmic imprints and affect our daily life, relationships, job, business, etc
  • Internal hindrances arising from fear, doubts and superstition that affect our health or mental state; and
  • Secret/hidden obstacles of inherent ignorance that obstruct our ability to realize the true nature of reality